LFA starptautiskā konference "Pasaules vēsmas fizioterapijā - novitātes un praksē balstītas atziņas"
Norises laiks 25.05.2024. no plkst 9:00 līdz 15:30 (reģistrēšanās no 8:30)
Norises vieta: Tallink Hotel Rīga, Elizabetes iela 24, Rīga
Dalības maksa: 50 eiro LFA biedriem
Citiem interesentiem 75 eiro
! Konference norisināsies angļu valodā !
Par dalību konferencē tiks piešķirti 8 TIP.
Konferences programma:
8:00 - 9:00 Reģistrēšanās
9:00 - 10:30 Konferences atklāšana:
9:00 Esther-Mary D’Arcy, Chair of the board, Europe region.
9:30 “Role of physiotherapists in disability reduction. Challenges faced and experience from Iceland” Gunnlaugur Briem, president, Icelandic Physiotherapy association.
10:00 “Transitions of care for older adults from the emergency department and acute hospitals" Alison Holmes, Ireland.
10:30 - 11:00 “Feeling controlled or being in control? Apps for self-management among older people with neurological disability” Cecilia Winberg, Physiotherapist, PhD,Lund University, Sweden.
11:00 “The case for non operative treatment following ACL injury” Nirit Rotem Member of the executive board of World Physiotherapy. Head of physiotherapy department, Tel Aviv medical center.
11:30 “The role of Physiotherapy in Acute care and Emergency department, UK practice” Alex MacKenzie, UK.
12:00 - 12:30 Pārtraukums
12:30 - 13:45 Meistarklases:
“Continuing professional development and the license to practice” Tim Nemeth, World Physiotherapy Europe region EC, Physiotherapist, Universiteit Hasselt - Campus Diepenbeek faculty of rehabilitation sciences.
"Maintain Professional Communications Management in a Simple and Cost-effective Way" Emilia KOSIŃSKA, Miguel Pérez Navarro, ERWP Secretariat
13:45 - 15:15:
“Harmonisation of Sustainable Development Goals Within the Profession” Maria-Louisa Busuttil, Malta, World Physiotherapy Europe region EC
“Kritiska informācijas meklēšana un analīze izmantošanai klīniskajā praksē” Didzis Rozenbergs,Fizioterapeits, RSU
“Aktualitātes Muskuloskeletālajā jomā - slimību profilaksē un veselības veicināšanā” Elīna Bergmane
13:45 - 15:15 Meistarklases:
“UcanAct: from concepts to actions” Michele Cannone, Physiotherapis, Italy (UcanACT is an intersectoral initiative, joining together physiotherapists, local authorities, non-profit organizations, higher education and research institutions with the overall objective: to engage adult and senior citizens to practice physical activity (PA) as a tool for cancer prevention within public urban green spaces.)
"Pelvic floor dysfunctions and Physiotherapy evidence base" CARMEN MARIA SUAREZ SERRANO, World Physiotherapy Europe region EC, Physiotherapist, PhD,University of Seville. Spain